I landed in Newark and was able to gather my luggage and myself and get a cab to the residence. Staff had called to make sure that I made it in okay and met me as I was getting out of the taxi and brought me up to the room. There was a bouquet of flowers in my room and new Egyptian cotton sheets in the room for me. It was a nice little surprise.

Daniel Rojas is the graphic designer from our corporate office that works as one of the RAs in the residence and he invited me out for a beer. I was tired, and unpacked a little but I thought why not? So we went to a little tavern-y type place around the corner. It was nice to relax and talk. He himself is from Spain and moved to New York City seven years ago, so he’s a transient just like me!
I slept in and took my time waking up and getting ready. I spent the better part of the morning unpacking and organizing. It’s a little annoying to think I’ll just be packing it up again soon, but the only thing more annoying than that is living out of a suitcase. I took a shower, and then ran errands, which mainly consisted of me taking the train to downtown and getting Starbucks at Penn Station and then hitting up Kmart for what I considered to be essentials here without a kitchen: a coffee maker and filters, a rice cooker, some Tupperware (I’m sure I’ll be having leftovers for lunch for awhile!), and a place setting of one plate, one bowl and one cup, and sufficiently forgot any sort of utensils.
This is the view from my bedroom window:

And this is the view from the lounge:

At any rate, I’m half looking forward to work tomorrow, and half not. It will be nice to start life and have a schedule, but I’m tired and feel like I could use a little more time to get settled.
Welcome to the city that never sleeps, self!
P.S. Alles gute zum Geburtstag Herr Stahr!
yesss, first day and you already met a spaniard! go spain!