I got to drive over the Brooklyn Bridge and go into Red Hook for the Ikea mission. It's the exact same store as in Costa Mesa, Phoenix, anywhere. However, we had lunch there (yes, my boss and I had a great conversation of fascism and waining ideological actions in this generation over Swedish meatballs and salad) and the cafe was overlooking the rivers, with a clear look at the Statue of Liberty. It was so beautiful!

Then yesterday I went out for the volleyball league. It was semi-humiliating. Good news was that I qualified, bad news was that I'm still operating as a free agent. The two girls that I made friends with were immediately scouted after some impressive spikes. My embarrassing first serves put me in an uncomfortable mood all night. I redeemed myself with some back sets, but the net was men's regulation height and I'd been playing on womens all summer, so that also messed me up. In the end, I'm in the league, but not yet on a team. I felt so drained by the end of the day (mind you this was after all the furniture loading and moving of Ikea) and I felt so blah I went and got a drink afterwards.
Sometimes it's hard to continually put yourself out there.
Way to put yourself out there! Peace, maka