Thanks to my dad, I got an old costume FedEx'd out to me the day before I was to wear it! Ol' faithful Deutscherin fraulein was worn yet again, I have worn it at least 1 night of Halloween festivities for 3 of the past 4 Halloweens. Don't you wish you could know the sort of things you would get such use out of when contemplating buying it? I have more than gotten my money's worth for this thing!
On Friday we had a pretty big Halloween celebration at the school. A lot of the students were so timid to dress up, they said they just didn't understand the whole concept of dressing up and getting into this kinda thing. But we still had a good turnout, and most of the staff all dressed up too. Below are 3 staff members dressed up, along with 2 student workers, too scared to get into costume!! Jenny absolutely stole the whole with her whole Cleopatra getup.

We found a mask that we all tried to put together with the rest of our costumes

Last night, Ronnie and I went to my coworkers house party in Brooklyn. It ended up being off the hook! Great music, loads of people, plenty of supplies, lots of space, and we even had access to the roof which, though incredibly frigid, provided a STUNNING view of the entire Manhattan skyline. I was able to scrounge together a very quick and easy (and cheap!) second costume. Call me crazy, but ever since the chaos of Santa Barbara Halloween's, one costume just doesn't cut it anymore!
Unfortunately I didn't feel like carrying my clutch once we got there so I have no pictures of the Park Slope party, but Ronnie and I had plenty of pre-party shots... like kickin it at my place beforehand...

Can you see my tail??

These are real! ...contacts

I don't think they were so blatantly yellow without the glare of the flash...


Soooo New York City on the weekends is awful when it comes to public transportation!!!! No express trains, always some train having construction and not working, etc. It took us foreverrrrrr to get to Brooklyn, and we had to switch the train an unprecedented THREE times!! It was mildly amusing though, everyone riding the subway in costumes and having fun and playing music and being in good spirits. Here's me waiting at Columbus Circle

And riding on the subway...

My contacts really set me apart from the rest of the cats (how did I forget to put a nose and whiskers on??) but the party was so dark most people couldn't see it! Oh well, all the complements on the subway were worth it I suppose
Ronnie and I left the party separately, and when I left and ducked into the first subway I found, I was lucky enough that somehow it was one that would go straight home for me! (how did I miss that to begin with??) but I promptly stretched out on a row of seats and fell asleep... only to awake almost in the Bronx!! So I got off and switched back to a downtown train, and it happened to be running express (what the heck?) and overshot my stop AGAIN! So I ended up at Columbus Circle again, and waited it out for my actual train. What a mess! I walked in my door at almost 6a, but the whole experience was still fun... I rode home with a sleeping Swiss Army Knife, a drunk Easter bunny, and a very confused looking banana...