Friday, October 15, 2010

The Week in Review

Here are some recent highlights from my past few days:

-My volleyball game on Wednesday was so frustrating! The other team was incredibly immature and rude talkers, and it's like, this isn't HIGH SCHOOL, it's just a fun after-work league! Nothing happens if you win... nothing happens if you lose... get over it!

(And resemblance below?)

-Riding on the subway I was playing the Brick Breaker game on my BlackBerry that is the most entertaining game on a cell phone since Snake. (Think Pong with obstacles). Someone taps my shoulder and I pull out my iPod and see this older, gangster - looking man leaning over my seat and he asks me "What's your high score on that?" and I tell him, and then ask him his, and he pulls out his phone and shows me this ridiculous sscore more than double mine! We were talking about strategies and things we liked about the game. It was half nerd alert, half so friendly!

-Last night was an End of Summer outing/happy hour for our company at a bowling alley / lounge in the Port Authority and it was FUNTIMES!! We also got loads of appetizers and beer giraffes. The scoreboard even had a report on the speed of the ball, so many of us started vying to get the fastest throw. (I've NEVER been a good bowler, my one strike from last night was a huge accomplishment). After that a few of us went to an Irish pub in Hell's Kitchen.

-Today I am leaving work early and hitting the road with Simon and Jens for the weekend! Scranton, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto, all new places for me!

-My latest music obsession has been some sort of '70s rock genre (give or take). You know, ELO's Strange Magic and Styx's Renegade, and Nick Gilder's Hot Child in the City

-I am so sick of trying to think of titles for this dumb blog, and it doesn't seem right to leave them off entirely. I've decided I will just start posting with arbitrary song titles, unless it warrants it's own special diggs!

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