I can't even count all the memories I have with Cherisse, from being young (Monopoly games with incessant stealing from the bank, spanning strings of soda cans across the street and dont forget that RIDICULOUS Beauty and the Beast game for the computer I used to cry over because I couldnt bake the cake but Cherisse was a pro), growing up (photo shoots at Mission Bay, grandma's 90th birthday party, and sneaking out of Christmas to get Jack In the Box since dinner was taking too long for us) to being grown up (going to her wedding, her surprising me at my college graduation, visiting her at her and her husbands house in North Carolina) and though I haven't seen her since Valentine's Day of last year I think, I am still so thankful that she is in my life and we are celebrating another year of Cherisse Leann! (Unfortunately I only have more recent photos on this computer)
Family Picnic 2005

I completely fell and ate it right after this picture was taken

Christmas 2005

Family Picnic 2007

Grandma's 90th... November 2007

Cherisse's Wedding... December 2008

Cherisse and I off a stop of Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia or North Carolina

Me and Cherie at her old house in North Carolina

Happy Birthday Baby Gurrrrrrrrrl!!
Thank you so much for that. It was beautiful!! You are a wonderful Niece and Friend. I love you.