At any rate, I'm sure everyone's heard about the uprising in Egypt which totally stole Tunisia's thunder. One of my coworkers in the corporate office has been keeping us all up to date on the progress, and she re-posted this picture that was up on Twitter, which I absolutely love, I think it is so moving.

This is a chain of Christian Egyptians protecting Muslim Egyptians as they pray during the riots. Why does it take such adversity to remind us that we are all human? I think I am remembering this wrong, but in high school when learning about the Cold War, I believe JFK said something to the Russians like "We both care about our children" or something. That in the end, we were all human and simply wanted to continue with our lives and families and to preserve the world for our following generation.
In a world religions class in college, when learning about violence in the name of God, a student asked "how can religion justify killing?" and the professor replied "religion is the only thing that can justify killing, don't you think?" A supreme being with a will above our own would be the only means of compensating for taking lives of our peers (if it were indeed true, and of course this is up for debate).
However, doesn't it seem like love is so much more moving, and cover over a multitude of sins? I love looking at this picture, because that is what it represents to me.
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