This past weekend was many, many things. NYC Pride Festival Weekend, Dad's Birthday Weekend, and ultimately Moving Weekend. It was so exhausting, it's still hard to talk about it!
I HAVE to say this though: for as much as I say I'm alone in New York City, or "don't really know anyone out here," I was proven completely wrong and actually overwhelmed by the amount of friends and help I had come to support me in my move. Knowing what a deplorable task it is to move, and not wanting to displace anyone, I ONLY asked Ronnie and Betsy to help me schlep things up and down stairs to my new digs. Just talking about the dreaded upcoming move around the (old) office though, people were actually VOLUNTEERING to come and help! All in all, I ended up having EIGHT pairs of helping hands! In addition to Ronnie and Betsy, Jayna and Jenny came, Jenny got a plus one for her husband Joe, then Asias admission manager and super social Josh and his wife Shoko came along, and Chrishon even drove down from Boston to lend her organizing expertise and car. I felt SO THANKFUL and BLESSED, the Dinosaur BBQ and Coronas that I bought as a thank you just didn't feel like enough.
It did get incredibly interesting though. Here's a back story: after going to Ronnie's on Thursday for dinner, my last chance to finish the packing was Friday... but that went out the window when the day was spent with the new office having lunch at Eataly and walking the Highline Park, only to finish around 3:30p and I end up at the old office like a lost little kitty from the pound going back to my first home. And what? There was a happy hour? So I crashed that. Hours after the Triple Crown we relocate to a Latin / Brazilian live music joint and when Josh and I decide to split a cab uptown, I couldn't quite make it all the way, so I crashed on Josh's couch that night, waking up late on Saturday morning, and giving me no window of opportunity to finish the packing left at my place. Not to mention, Josh was hooking Alex up with an old bed so we had to drive the UHaul to his parent's place in Westchester first! So I show up late, hungover, and on a time limit, and we cranked that thing out... packing and unloading, returning the truck and all! Josh was a MACHINE.(BTW, it was my dad's bday on Saturday and he called and i was SO flustered in the middle of the move, HE had to bring up the fact that it was his birthday!! Sorry about that again... but you got the card later that day, which is proof that I never really forgot about it!)
Even after the lunch and relaxing, Chrishon, Josh and Shoko stayed and helped my UNPACK everything... putting all the rooms together and everything! Can't thank everyone enough. After showers and relaxing, Chrishon and I met up with Josh and Shoko again and their friends down at some bars in the East Village. Everything was pretty lively with the recent NY State decision to legalize same-sex marriage. Chrishon and I get back around 3 or 3:30am to spend the first night in my new place together, and I woke up with so much sunlight!!
After Starbucks and morning omelettes in my old neighborhood, Chrishon and I went to down to the Village to check out the Pride Street Fair and parade. SO FUN!! Everyone was so friendly and in such a great mood and we got free things at every turn! After Chrishon left I went home to continue organizing and touching up, took a wonderful nap in the sunlight, then woke to Josh and Shoko calling and inviting me back down to the Village to Fat Cat Jazz, a great little joint with live jazz music, a bar, and tons of ping pong, pool, and shuffleboard tables. A lot of other work people were there and we hung out and walked around the STILL-lively city in the wake of Pride, and I finally crashed last night aroun 2:30a!
And THAT was my weekend!