This semester I am taking a creative writing class, continuing with my sign language pedagogy, and modern dance. Despite being an old woman required to roll on the floor in dance, and despite sign language being so late I want to bring a pillow to class, the creative writing is by far the most painful. Two Mondays ago I had to turn in a 20 page short story that the class had to read and analyze for homework, and this past Monday they discussed and critiqued it as though I weren't in the room (I wasn't allowed to say anything). I admit that dreading the class was more painful than sitting through it, in the end everyone was positive and uplifting and offered constructive criticism (maybe cause we'll all be judging theirs eventually!) but it wasn't SO bad... my eyes were really opening to the feedback. It was such a weird feeling though, and the first time I ever really shared anything publicly.
Related to that experience, I have a standing appointment every Monday with 2 coworkers at a local dive bar and though neither of them could make it that week, I decided to still haul myself and my piles of written critiques to the bar to read over some Yuengling and I had SUCH a great time! I just lovelovelove Tim, our bartender who's there every Monday who is always refilling us pro bono and talking with us, and I can always get him to play Tom Petty and Thin Lizzy and two weeks ago we even got him to put the TV onto Titanic. When I got there and dropped all my papers on the bar I told him my two friends wouldn't be coming and he said "That's no problem, you shouldn't feel bad coming here alone, I'll make sure no one bothers you." And he really did! Screw Triple Crown, I've officially moved my loyal patronage.
In sign language, we are learning to storytell and have to bring in a children's book to sign to the class. I don't have any here (except Harry Potter lolololol) but we're talking more Are You My Mother? type books (my instructor did that one for us and it was SO ADORABLE) so I went to a bookstore and immediately decided to get Dr Seuss' Oh The Places You'll Go! because I've wanted to get that since June 2009 when a friend referenced it to me. I read it last night before going to bed
You'll get mixed up, of course,
as you already know.
You'll get mixed up
with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step,
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft
And never mix up your right foot with your left.
Choosing Dr Seuss to sign was NOT the smartest decision I've ever made... (how the hell do you sign "Hakken-Kraks howl" ?!) but I've always appreciated a challenge.
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