My old hatred and aversion to running has been seeping back in slowly, and for the first time in a long time, yesterday running the track I found myself thinking about how much I just hated it and how stupid it was (everything is stupid when you hate it), which was weird because for the past few months I've been surprised at how openly I've welcomed running and even looked forward to it. Buuuuut the right playlist can change almost anything. In these very recent weeks, I absolutely could not have done anything, even open my eyes in the morning, without the following songs:
Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen
Human Touch - Bruce Springsteen
Titanium - David Guetta
The Suburbs - Arcade Fire
Sprawl II - Arcade Fire
As a matter of fact I may have done 2/3 of my workout yesterday with Bruce Springsteen on repeat. The moral of the story is that you shouldn't listen to music while you work out. You should work out while you listen to music.
From the streets and the shores of Fort Lauderdale:

And a view along the Keys

I was ashamed at how excited I was by all the palms on vacation. As though I didn't spend 95% of my life surrounded by them in the first place.
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