Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy My Birthday To You!

What a great day for a birthday! I may have woke up feeling sick, but I woke up in a timely way, with only a small hangover from dinner and drinks with old friends and my HBO Special Jayna from the night before, and a barrage of Happy Birthday texts that didn't include the handful of midnight texts from some great friends and a very special 12:01 phone call.

I got ready and packed in a solid hour and was out my door around 9:10am. I remembered something in my room, and waiting for the elevator in heels with a suitcase, the only solution was to kick off the heels and go racing down the hallway back to my apartment to grab it and come running back in time for the elevator, which I did. Like a boss.

Off to the airport and made it in great time. On the AirTrain, I sneezed and not only did someone acknowledge it, but TWO people actually said bless you! I must have that birthday girl glow, it's almost like they knew it was my special day.

Starbucks and JFK always go well together.

Now here I am in Charlotte, taking in all those southern drawls and God Bless You's and awaiting my flight to VEGAS BABY.

In case you were wondering, it's definitely a Carolina-based Red Oak and it is birthdaytastic.

Still another hour til my flight takes off. Let's get this show on the road already! I've got money to win, friends to see and a birthday to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, the birthday girl, on the road again!
    How awesome. I hope it is the best ever!!!!!
    Love ya;
