Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mother Feather

My Fairy Tail friend Nick and I were both free last Thursday so we met up for pizza and beer after work. It was delightful.

Though it was a work night and we promised each other "just one drink" and that we'd behave ourselves, we couldn't resist stopping in to the local dance club a few blocks down.

One thing led to another, and before I knew it, we were nomming at a taqueria at 1 in the morning and I wasn't falling down in my bed until past 2! That's why all day on Friday I thought I was going to go straight home after work and relax and recover. Buuuuut then Nick invited me to see a local band in the Lower East Side called Mother Feather. Live music with Nick? It was like a dry run for Coachella (minus one) so I said I was interested. When he told me that they were glam rock, I committed. This was what I got myself into:

Think a Lady Gaga group. They were crazy, but they were also awesome! It was a performance and pretty good music and I had such a great time discovering them! Nothing will make you feel like you're in New York City more than a glam rock band in a tiny Lower East Side venue. Viva Mother Feather.

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