Celebrity Sighting: My coworker invited me to drinks and dinner with her friend last Wednesday, and I accepted, and not sure why because it surprisingly was pouring rain and I was completely unprepared for it (no jacket, had to take an umbrella from our school's lost & found, etc!) but it was nice to go out for a meal with some company. We ended up at a restaurant called Vynl in Hells' Kitchen. Afterwards, it was still pouring outside and I was still damp from the way in, so I was just beelining to the Columbus Circle metro stop down 59th Street. My head was down, I was huddle under my umbrella, and jumped back at the last minute when I realized I was about to collide with someone. I said "Excuse me" as I looked up and saw I was in front of a hotel and a bellhop was holding an umbrella over a guest who was walking to the foyer, and we looked at each other and I realized that it was Will Smith! He passed by and I kept walking but then got under cover to turn around and it really was him, complete with Jada and the kids in tow. I was tempted to take a picture but it was rainy and cold and I couldn't bring myself to be THAT person!

Summer "Bracer": My work's biggest, roughest season by far is summer. Our numbers swell to over double, and everyone is stretched pretty thin and we all kinda lose our minds a little bit. For me dealing with housing it's the worst because the city is nearly sold out anyways so it's a bad time to be low on resources. All the same our Center Director is completely aware, and had a staff "Summer Bracer" happy hour last Thursday for our mental preparation. It was held at an Irish bar called The Tempest a few blocks away and our flyer reminded us that "liquor is free flowing in every sense of the word". It was awesome! Really fun as the whole staff was invited... this included summer staff, student services, academic, student workers, and teachers. We all had a really good time and it was nice to spend time with a lot of them on more of a personal level. I also took the opportunity to explain what an "Uncle Carl" drink was to everyone... aka a vodka cranberry, since I had quite a few and they're the drink my Uncle Carl is never without!

And the best is that yesterday I went to Atlantic City! But I've got tons of pictures of that and it's a post all its own...
I can't believe you saw will smith! He is a legend you know. :)