The #1 train was really delayed this morning, so it was really packed when it came, and I ended up being a little late. Afterwards, I went to a CVS (yes! they really have them out here!) and bought laundry detergent and fabric softener. (I really only brought clothes and books, I am working from the ground up here) and thought I would do laundry today. (You'll see shortly that that never happens!) but it was such a nice day outside that I decided to stay outdoors a little longer. The difference between the wind here and wind by the ocean is that here, it's not a chilling wind. It blows around the air that's already here, doesn't make you freeze!
I walked along side Central Park West, and even got water and a pretzel from the street vendor, and soon found myself at Strawberry Fields on CPW and 72nd.

I went in to the Imagine mosaic and thought it would be a nice place to hang out and relax, but turns out it wasn't. A constant ebb and flow tide of tourists in and out taking pictures of themselves, about 4 or 5 musicians all playing guitar and vying for attention with the loudest song created a most unpleasant cacophony for me. Also, there was some guy who apparently arranged the roses on the Imagine mosaic and kept making speeches about it and trying to get money. WHY?! It really annoyed me. I mean, who does he think he is, piggybacking off of someone else's work like that? HE didn't make the mosaic. He puts a rose on it and deserves money? It would be like me going to the Statue of Liberty and stringing up some Christmas lights and saying "Isn't this a work of art?? Show your agreement by giving me money to be able to continue making this a symbol of America". Yeah right!

After that I trekked on back to my room and took a nap. Sometimes I would get frustrated at myself when, on weekends and evenings I would be in my room, not out and about. And I'm thinking "I'm in NEW YORK CITY, there's plenty to do and see, what am I doing in here??" But... there's plenty of time. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was New York. I've got time to see everything, and it will be nice to explore with friends... once I have some!
After my nap I got up and went to go to the grocery store. I found myself drawn by the golden light of the dusk that was really bright to the west through the trees, and came across a beautiful park that was just across the street, but walled in so I never saw it originally. I found myself at this building

And on the top it said "Let Us Have Peace". I was moved, I thought that was beautiful.

I then followed the trail down south for a beautiful walk along the Hudson river. Isn't this lovely? Maybe it's partly due to the small living quarters all New Yorkers suffer, but there are so many outdoor spaces so nearby, it makes living in the city so easy. In California, I would have to drive somewhere to find an outdoor space like this!

I made it to the grocery store, after a quick comfort coffee from Starbucks and some time spent reading. Another weekend passed tranquilly.
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