Is it considered a case of the Mondays even if I was in a great mood to start with?
I came to work only to be greeted with a slough of problems. The Italian group says they don't have their breakfast vouchers, girls who checked in to the residence want to share a room even though they didn't request it, and a residence turning away a girl who weeks earlier they confirmed a reservation for.
Then I get the leader of another Italian group waving his hands and yelling in my face because we require proof of health insurance that shows a name and birthdate (he was just handing us a brochure of a health company) and when someone else from our staff tried to help he pointed at me accusingly "SHE-ah doesn't-ah get it!" and I snapped back "EXCUSE ME, I get it. YOU aren't listening to the solution". Sometimes I think customer service isn't my strong suit.
After that a student storms into our office (with a clearly posted, red STAFF ONLY sign) saying that he cannot sign our terms & conditions because he cannot clearly understand it. Yes they have to sign the English version, but to be fair, our contracts with our agencies state that they present this to the students in their native language before they even sign up for our school). He spoke French so I had him sit at my desk and we went through the entire document together, I clarified anything that he asked for help with. Since he had been so upset, I tried to complement him with a formality and told him in French that his English was better than my French... and his response? In English I think it translate to "Duh. I could've told you that". I wanted to slap him for being so petulant. Instead, I'll just play volleyball tomorrow.
For lunch, myself and my 3 other coworkers all went out together at the Ginger House just below our office. It was the first time we all went out and it was such a relief and put me in a better mood for the second half of the day.
Wow, that boy you helped was a douche!