It was A-MAY-ZING! Thrilling, edge of my seat, and emotional (I must have cried 3 or 4 times during it). And hello? Leo & J-man... eye candy! It was also my first IMAX experience, unbelievable! Can I use enough exclamation points?!! (Later that day going home, saw Joe Gordon-Levitt's movie filming in my neighborhood again... can't wait for that to come out, just so I can see my 'hood on the big screen).

I owe it all to my friend Victoria that I met playing volleyball, and whose dogs I walked last weekend. She suggested the whole outing, which turned out to be a fun-filled Saturday: met at 10:45 for coffee and apple turnovers at the Farmer's Market on Lincoln Square, caught the IMAX matinee of Inception (this movie is still driving me crazy!), got brunch on the Upper West Side and then did a little shopping. We basically went to all the sale racks at Gap, Banana Republic, Loft, Zara, etc. In the end I got a pretty sweet skirt I can make manipulate for both work and going out from Banana Republic for only $21! Yahoo. It was a great day.
Sad news: I used to be able to get internet at my place from some connection nearby that wasn't password protected, so I was really excited to save on a bill! Unfortunately, that connection got a password today so all after work hours internet comes from me sitting here in Starbucks. C'est la vie!
Also, I know this sounds crazy, but I'm getting another cat. (Aah!) A kitten actually (Aw!) The thing is, Crazy Cat Lady #1 (I consider myself to be #2) called me to say she had a kitten that needed to be fostered and asked what I thought. I said with my studio I thought 1 was probably enough. However, she got me in touch with another girl who fosters that said that having 2 was actually easier than 1 since they would keep themselves entertained and happy. So I conceded. Tomorrow night the kitten is being brought over to me!
Inception rules all!
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