Friday, December 17, 2010

Casual Friday

If anyone deserves a casual Friday today, it's our team at the office here. The festivities yesterday started around 11:30 and wine and beer were included in the catered lunch, with plenty of amazing desserts (cheesecakes and gingerbread and chocolate mmmmmm) and then Student Services had our own karaoke session with me and Jayna entertaining ourselves with Dirty Diana and Total Eclipse of the Heart

We got ready at work and took a cab to the Latin Quarter, and the open bar there more than did us in but it didn't end when the lights turned on... instead we all jumped in cabs (I happened to be in a cab with 5 people in the backseat alone) and went to a swanky club called Greenhouse in SoHo. I lost all concept of time but it sure didn't feel like I slept long when I had to get up this morning to get ready and finish cleaning up my place... and then lugging my suitcase on the subway with me. We all went and got breakfast this morning and are just trudging through the day.

I leave tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. It was so nice to see you too! And before you know it you will be back at home (NY home that is). Where does the time go?
