Last night was a "Bossless Happy Hour" put on by my boss. Both the academic and operations departments have been without immediate supervisors and we have been relying on our Center Director for direction and support. (And I love Greg, I think he is the best boss / supervisor I've ever had the privilege of working under) but he referred to himself as "the grandpa who spoils us" so as a last hurrah before the academic manager starts next Monday, he took us all out for a happy hour. And of course, my "I'll just stay for one drink" turned into a few more than that. And tonight is a cocktail party at the former academic managers' place, actually in my neighborhood, so I didn't want to spend the day drinking at Santacon and then going for cocktails.
In exactly a week I will be in a plane on my way to California! But I've got a lot going on before that: Cocktail party tonight, church and open play volleyball tomorrow, last volleyball game on Wednesday, the company holiday party on the East Side on Thursday, and training my fill-in all week for my two weeks off... it's going to be amazing!! Like a winter break in college!
May I add that we are all incredibly excited for the holiday party next Thursday? My company may have taken away our color printers, but I don't think they will ever forfeit our monthly happy hours or holiday parties. I'm excited to be in New York with corporate where they really know how to throw a good gig... these things are apparently legendary. Yesterday during our lunch break, Jayna, Jenny and I headed off to Macy's to help Jayna find a dress (I will be reusing my Vegas dress from October) and it got me really excited for it! The only problem is that it's going to be on a Thursday! Hmmm.
Time for me to go running in Central Park. I have a few new Ke$ha songs to run to!

This picture is from a few weeks ago, but still cute. I was probably excited about my freshly threaded eyebrows. I love that. (P.S. I was wearing a strapless top, not naked!)
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