In a dramatic reprise to our friendship, Ronnie and I met up on Friday night at Bryant Park with no real plans in mind (although Ronnie says he wanted to watch me ice skate and embarrass myself, but my ankle injury kept me out of that), but we ended up having a great night traversing all of midtown and seeing all the Christmas decorations and lights that we could!
Bryant Park had a fabulous Christmas set-up with a (free!) ice skating rink, a bar called Celsius, and this beautiful tree

We then proceeded to walk up 5th Avenue, where Ronnie wanted to see the famed Bergdorf Goodman displays, but we caught a lot along the way... such as the Rockefeller tree, just lit last Wednesday

We were wondering if the Forever 21 on 5th Avenue was going to have a window display and we almost missed it, but it was there. It was the most pathetic looking thing either of us had seen. Why did they even bother?! It just looked like they took the boiler from the kitchen and set it up in the window, I was laughing so hard I couldn't even take a clear shot of it

The rest of the "real" 5th Avenue looked cheery and beautiful, although I was absolutely taken by Tiffany's window display

Tiffany's built their displays outward and had a carousel-type theme

Each window had a miniature little moving display inside. My flash ruined it, but this one had the moving carousel. It's hard to see it, but the horse here has a significant gem it's carrying on its back

These carousel animals were actually moving up and down

This is a Santa sleigh full of Tiffany's diamonds being delivered to New York City!

And this one is Tiffany's store front even decorated for Christmas, with a huge Tiffany blue jewel out front. A Tiffany's inside a Tiffany's... TIFFANYCEPTION!

Bergdorf Goodman's display was nice... but I was so charmed by Tiffany's! Ronnie thinks Bergdorf Goodman's was the bees knees, but I was like, eh. It wasn't very Christmasy... they had beautiful dresses on display on mannequins with canary heads. WTF is that?! We decided we wanted to karaoke, so we schlepped our asses back down twenty blocks to Koreatown. (Ronnie made sure we sang some Christmas songs) before we called it a night. On the way there though, we passed a Hofbrau restaurant, that I had NO IDEA existed... I thought the only ones were in Munich and Las Vegas?! But it was so jolly with the Christmas decorations!

AND we passed Grand Central station... doesn't it look so regal and beautiful?! Notice the Christmas wreath too :)

Okay and remember how Jens bought me a mini Christmas tree?? Well I wasn't able to get a tree last year, so I also didn't have any decorations. We had a few sympathy ones we put on, but last night I bought my first ornament for it... it's a Starbucks holiday cup ornament! They actually sell these in Starbucks and they are actually ornaments. I sent the picture to Jens and he thought I had taken a real Starbucks cup and just hung it on the tree. Classy.

I just love love love how much this city loves Christmastime. Three full weeks left to enjoy it! If I can make it to a performance of The Nutcracker this season it will be complete.