Last week my boss told me my co-worker was going to need my help on Thursday, December 1. I said "Okay!"
Today at work, said co-worker told me I was going to work registration at the Silver Lecture of Lawrence Summers.
Poker face.
Lawrence Summers was an economic adviser to Obama, chief economist of the World Bank, secretary of the US Treasury, and president of Harvard. And I showed up to work the registration in slacks and a hot pink button-up shirt. Everyone else was wearing suit jackets and blazers. I own one blazer I bought from Nordstrom, and even then it's not entirely appropriate, and not that fancy. I work a lot of these snazzy events (usually with prior notice!) and everytime I tell myself, I need to invest in one real suit with a jacket. I thought that again today... but then I thought:

Tomorrow is my last day with Alumni Relations!
Oh wellsies! I start in Admissions on Monday, until April! Save it for later. And thennnnn I got to meet Mayor Dinkins, which also made me LOL because they mention him a LOT in Seinfeld. (He was the mayor of NYC before Giuliani). Everything I know about New York I know from Seinfeld.
So excited it's Christmastime!! It hasn't snowed yet (well, since October 29 lolololol) but this is funny good times

And I still miss Montréal!
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