You'd think people would all be bitter and irritated about flying home on Christmas Eve (obviously it would be nice to be home sooner) but everyone was so friendly and in such a good mood, and everyone was full of cheer and "Merry Christmas!"'s. We took off over the Rockaways in Queens as the sun was rising

The flights felt exceptionally long, but I survived, and got a layover in beautiful, beautiful Phoenix, like I look forward to every trip!

Shannon and Kathleen were set to pick me up at the airport, and I was down the escalator and at baggage claim, walked outside and watched them walk in a door down the way. They came with a sign a everything, but we had just missed each other. Oh well! I was just excited to be home and see them. Derp!

When I was en route to home, I was really excited to be coming, but I sort of missed New York as soon as I was gone! Whaaaaat a world. There's just nothing like New York, and even when you need a break, I guess you don't really want a break. Still, being home is refreshing, and familiar. It feels great to see open sky, and palm trees, sunsets mountains and know I'm home where I grew up!

And sometimes, a Christmas tree too. Nothing like being home for the holidays!
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