Welcome to my own special iReport of what is sure to be a very overhyped storm to hit New York City. Everyone has very mixed reactions and even I am starting to doubt the severity of it. We're already back to what was originally predicted... when NO ONE was freaking out: 70mph winds with some flooding in the lower areas. Alex and I have a theory it was all outdone to jumpstart the economy. I mean, seeing the lines at the stores the other day would make sense!
I woke this morning to very overcast skies. It has been raining on and off, and there is a sense of much more to come, but so far it's normal. Alex and I are tracking the storm, watching live CNN, texting friends and getting ready to stay indoors. Dishes washed, perishable food thrown out, just need to fill the bathtub with water so we can flush the toilet once the water shuts off (learned that trick in Guatemala!) Most everyone I've talked to is just annoyed and feels it's overdone by the media at this point. I always thought that a hurricane was the scariest thing ever, and seeing people prepare and all on the news looked terrifying like, how are they okay? But it just seems so normal. And what can you do? And you get time to prepare. And we're all in this together.
Below is the calm before the storm. It's from last night after Fairway when Alex and I were taking in the wonderful air on the West Harlem Piers overlooking the Hudson River and, beyond that, New Jersey.
And, as mentioned previously also, my favorite little Santa Barbara candle that will be lighting the way soon!
Okay well, as of now, there's nothing significant happening other than just waiting! I'm taking in electricity and charging things up. The subway system has shut off and I'm in it for the long haul. Check back for more of Kiki's iReport on HURRICANE HELGA!
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3:48pm UPDATE: Alex went down to midtown to explore and take pictures. Originally I got ready to join him, but then I didn't feel like going so far and spending money on cabs. The winds aren't supposed to kick in until 9pm tonight so there's plenty of time but ehhhhh on the wasted money. I think I'll just go out in the Upper West Side and Harlem. Right now I'm listening to Mayor Bloomberg's live address to the city on what's going on. It might just pass unnoticed, it's all going on in the middle of the night, maybe it will lose all its strength? The trashcans are upside down so the trash doesn't fly out. The airports are closed and the Staten Island ferry will be ending soon. Public housing buildings in evacuation areas are shutting down. I'm here waiting and feeling like this is all an over-exaggeration.
* * *
7:57pm UPDATE: We are still an hour or an hour and a half away from anything happening. It's been raining steadily but nothing significant has happened. It is so painfully dull and normal that I'm not even surprised that I'm still seeing people walking on the streets and cars driving around (albeit far less than usually so). I'll let you know once the party really gets started.
* * *
8:31pm UPDATE: Raining steadily, there is some wind sending it to fall in sheets and hit walls sideways, the gutters are full, but nothing I've never seen before. Below is outside of my apartment just taken minutes ago. It will be great for before/after pictures
Well, Alex just came to me and showed me the tornado watch in NYC. Eek!
* * *
9:22pm UPDATE: So bored. Nothing is happening. Ronnie and I are both talking on Gchat and I wanted to share to just prove HOW BORING IT IS TO WAIT FOR A HURRICANE WHILE THE SUBWAYS AREN'T RUNNING AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING:
9:01 PM
me: i should just sleep through this all. SUCH A WASTE
9:04 PM
9:07 PM
me: even that doesnt phase me. blah. just so bored! and not even inspired to finish my book!! O_O
Ronnie: lets play rock paper scissors! okay on the cpount of 3! we list it! okay???
me: PAPER!
Ronnie: hahahaha
me: I WIN
me: rock
9:11 PM
me: okay hold on. let me type it in first and then you can do 1 2 3
Ronnie: fine
me: scissors
me: ? I JUST LOST!
Ronnie: NOW YOU DO THE 123s!
me: 1
Ronnie: rock!@
me: yay i win
9:12 PM
me: rock!
Ronnie: rock is way easier to type out
me: i know
Ronnie: that's why i use it all the time
me: scissors is too much to type out
Ronnie: seriously lets justsay knife
me: why dont we just put the first letter? r p or s?
Ronnie: nah just say knife!
me: im bored
Ronnie: it's the same thing
me: i want some real stuff to happen
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11:44pm UPDATE: Reporting from my iPhone. Alex and I got so unbearably bored that we put on our rainboots and got ready and took a walk to a bar down on Broadway, where we've been now for an hour. It's so fun! They have hurricane specials and it only gets more and more crowded. Everyone is in such a fun mood, there's a great sense of camaraderie. A whole mangled group of us consisting of a bunch of different people and friends have all created a game of quarters.
The rain and winds kicks up and lets down. Still nothing significant! At least I have a drink now to get me through!
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1:36am UPDATE: Alex noticed the wind had really kicked up crazy like, so we finally decided to check out of the bar. Throwing caution to the wind (hurricane?) we packed up and went outside with our new Swedish friends, said goodbye, and then Alex and I bolted into the storm. We only had a few blocks to run, but it was enough to soak me through. Steady, pouring rain and high winds were beginning. Here is what I looked like walking in the door after that:
It continues to get worse and kick up more. Dare I say that Hurricane Irene is finally making herself known to New York City? I am finally sleepy and might not have anything to report for quite some time now. Mayor Bloomberg suggests we stay in rooms with as few windows as possible. Figures, since my room faces the street with two oversized windows, but I will stay in my room. Honestly, we're not even in an evacuation zone, I have to assume that it won't be that bad. If my windows blow out, I will be sure to humble myself and crawl into Alex's room for shelter. I have my phone on me and sleep pretty deep anyway, but I would not at all be offended or upset in the least if anything woke me up, so it's okay if anyone needs to call or text me. Otherwise, assuming I have internet access, I will be sure to update you all in the morning. Godspeed!
* * *
1:02pm UPDATE: LAMEST. "HURRICANE". EVER. I officially revoke her "Helga" status. Even "Irene" is too sweet for her, she is now officially Hurricane Cornelia Whisperwoods. I thought I was going to wake up to mass destruction and flooded streets and gutters. I woke up to some MILD WIND. Even mild is an overstatement! Mexican salsa would be offended to be called mild in the same sentence like this wind. Right now it is dry, with a gray sky, and some wind. Electricity and water still in tact. A friend down around W 72nd told me he saw a tree branch fall. And a friend from Brooklyn posted the "destruction" there:
If that does not sum up Hurricane Cornelia Whisperwoods, I don't know what does!
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5:24pm UPDATE: The "storm" is still going. The winds are still kicked up and kinda high, but I'm not kidding when I say the Santa Ana winds of California have been worse. I heard one trashcan blowing down the street. Cry. Me. A. River. It should all be officially passed soon. Columbia's staff update says they plan on a normal working day tomorrow, so I don't even get a day off! Why did this have to happen on a weekend?? So with this incredibly boring and and unsensational update, and pending any unexpected developments, I declare this, Kristin's Hurricane iReport of 2011... CLOSED.
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