The night before my flight was a sleepover at Ronnie's in Queens where I was closer to the airport. An all-nighter slumber party failed when I crashed at 2am and yelled at Ronnie for trying to keep me awake. The 6:30am flight was fine. I was barely functioning and just slept through the flight (as did the rest of the quiet, zombie planeload) and was happy to land in Phoenix.

I just love love love being in Phoenix, feeling the heat when you step off the plane into the little walkway, and seeing the desert. On that second quick flight from Phoenix to home I sat next to a very friendly and very talkative Chinese man. I spent a lot of brain power trying to understand his English, but he was nice and we talked the whole time.
I landed in California's Ontario airport and there it was. Hot, hot, home, with clear blue skies and only a hint of smog. Exactly as I had left it. I already felt like I had never been away, New York City was a distinct and distant memory. What followed was a blur of events, just doing all the same stuff I grew up doing. Sunset swimming at Newport Beach, concerts in Pomona, Orange County visits with Alice, and excursions to Disneyland.
Alice's baby James is now taking his first steps, and I got that little bugger to push his truck around with 1 hand! (the Romanian "ridica sus" now translates to "Read Dr Seuss"!) This is him with Aunt Jasmine:

And the cold but rather entertaining showing of Kathleen's friends band on the rooftop of the Fox Theatre from midnight to 2am. Their last song cover The Pixies' Where Is My Mind? floored me and made everything worthwhile!

Before the Kelley Sisters took to Disneyland, we got to have breakfast with grandma, and here we are at her good ol' Seal Beach digs
At Disneyland, I was happy to see the castle, my favorite Fantasyland, and even see the new Little Mermaid ride (what took them so long to make one?!) Star Tours makes me as sick as ever, but Gibson Girl ice cream on Main Street makes it all worthwhile.

We got to meet up with our cousin Robert and his lady friend and rode Thunder Mountain together

Being able to see Aunt Patricia & Family was a welcome stop, all the junk food and Del Taco made my heart happy, and chopping off all my hair was a weird relief. To all the family I didn't get to see in my crazy 72 hours on the West Coast, trust me, i wasn't ready to leave yet, and will be soaring over there the first chance I get (I'm still trying to finagle a flight for Uncle Carl's bday but it's not looking good). It sucks taking vacation just to go home. We should get Home Days from work where you can just be at home for a paid week or two.

I always said I was never much of a beach person, but I could've spent all weekend at Newport playing in the waves like we did on Friday. So, until next time home... I miss it still. I'm not ready to be back here. I feel a little worn out but trudging through.
It is ALWAYS so calming to have my Rose at home, and yet difficult when she leaves :-(