So my Halloween was celebrated on Saturday night, in the FREEZING SLEET AND SLUSH!! Seriously, the weather was miserable. I left and brought all my stuff to Betsy's to get ready. My train got stuck in the tunnel for an hour and a half and then I only made it Columbus Circle and I was dunnnnnzo with that so I took a cab the rest of the way. Got ready with Betsy and Ronnie (who tried to scare me coming off of the elevator but I heard him pummeling down the hallway long before that so was not scared!
Two notes to self: 1. Don't try to do make-up after being stuck on the subway for an hour and a half when you're deathly irritated. 2. Maybe practice elaborate stage make-up before execution. I turned out like a train wreck of a swan but I couldn't really care!! We hung out at Betsy's for awhile, drinking, dancing, and taking pictures

Ronnie snuck up behind me in this one but it looked good so I kept it!

He insisted I walk him like a dog and I DON'T KNOW WHY

The pirate gypsy and her talking parrot!!

The accidental no-flash picture proved for some good images!

This was Ronnie's prop he wanted to hold as though it were an arm. Only him.
Because of the nasty weather we didn't want to venture too far so we went to a bar near Betsy's place... and it was fun!! The music was fabulous and there were lots of people so we didn't feel the need to leave.

The bad lighting helped hide my awful make-up problems!
When the night was done I wasn't about to wait another how many hours for the subway so took a cab without a question! It was a fun night.
On Sunday I met up with a friend to watch some Sunday football games and was met with some culture shock. Said friend owns a place in a co-op building which basically means these are long-term tenants and people who LIVE here, unlike my nomadic friends and I going from sublet and one-year leases to sublet and another one-year lease, which also meant that there were families and children.
Kids trick-or-treat in New York City, but they don't go door-to-door (how can you with the apartments the way they are with the front doors locked and walking up 7 flights of stairs, etc?) so on Halloween they trick-or-treat at stores, and/or buildings organize Halloween events, or when they will let the kids go door-to-door for those who want to participate. At this time the basement was transformed into a huge party for the kids running around in their costumes and playing games, etc. I wished I was young enough to join in. It's just crazy the way there are communities in these buildings the way we have communities on our blocks in Riverside!
I drank out of my Chargers mug on Sunday morning to give them good luck, even though we were watching the Denver Broncos game... and I found out the Chargers weren't even playing yesterday, they're playing today (lololololol) oops. And tonight I have a presentation to go do in my language documentation class on the noun phrases in Wakhi and the distribution of qualitative, quantitative, interrogational and demonstrative adjectives. Just what I always wished I could spend my Halloween's doing!