And... THAT'S how I found myself spending my lunch break in Starbucks over the luscious pages of Henry James' The Portrait of a Lady. And now? Now doing a little work in my little cubicle with the sounds of Elton John in the background.
Don't you just love Elton John?

Keep your auditions for somebody who hasn't got so much to lose.
I think my favorite song of his (at least right now) is Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. And I especially loved him in Spice World... the height of his career, right? Lololololol
Oh and here's a good LOL for anyone and everyone acquainted with Kathleen. We love the Office (duh) and there's a great episode where Andy is annoying Jim and sings "A-A-A-Andy and the TUNA" to the tune of Bennie and the Jets, and we both laugh over it.
Then, one winter night when Kathleen was in New York and we were out somewhere, Bennie and the Jets is playing on the radio and Kathleen perks up and says "This sounds just like when Andy is singing Andy and the Tuna!" and I just got blue in the face from all my laughing. Poor Kathleen didn't appreciate that so much but I still giggle over it. That sad little kitten soul didn't know it was a reference to the Elton John song and I'm sure a part of her thought it was a new top 40 song modeled after the Office episode.
I should start my own Finer Things Club at work. It will be one of those things I will do to make friends but instead not make any at all, like Trivia Night. Lololol.
Listen to the Violins in "I've Seen That Movie Too", I still listen to that a LOT, and VERY LOUD! Uncle Mike and I went and saw EL (Dwight, lol), in 74 for the Yellow Brick Road tour!