(Photo copyright my roomie AlexCaesar Media) (Additional sidenote: the snow has since been sticking and the cars and trees all have white powder on them)
Next: Last night after my ASL group I met up with old volleyball cohorts at a bar in the Upper West Side. It a bar-heavy area and fun and normal and we're all around our table doing or talking about whatever it is we were doing or talking about. A barstool clatters loudly and heavily to the ground and we all turn to look. It's a barfight! You think you're going to watch for 2 seconds as the bouncers pull them out, right? Um NO! These bouncers were completely incompetent and twenty minutes later this fight is STILL brawling. It's moved to our corner, the guys are completely reckless, there is blood, and they're rolling over each other to our corner! I get pressed against the wall and they are pinning me there. One of the girls there grabs my arm and pulls me forcefully away and these punks continue to wrestle and turn the tables, break glasses, and where are the bouncers this whole time I don't even know!! The bartenders had to start getting involved and even that wasn't effective, and I thought there were some cops there but it was just someone's Halloween costume (lolololol). EVENTUALLY it was done and the real police were there and alls well that ends well cause we got lots of free rounds after that on the house (the LEAST they could do considering their budget CLEARLY didn't go to their bouncers!) But it made for a good story amirite?! Oh and congrats St Louis Cardinals... I didn't want Texas to win.
The snow continues to fall, the trees and cars are becoming more white, my fire escape stairs are starting to ice and I'm putting off reading and homework and wondering how the hell I am supposed to go out in this weather tonight! The Black Swan is not ready for this...
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