Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blustery Sort of Day

Aside from the relative warmth, today is the definition of a blustery sort of day. The sky is gray and ominous, the wind is gusty and watery, and the leaves are littering the ground and making a mad dash in every direction.

It sucks. I hate waking to tumultuous weather that in college you would have just slept through under the covers and listened to the radio and pretended like you were going to use the extra time to be wrapped in a blanket in the living room with your roommates drinking coffee and studying. Now with a 9-5 it's like you don't get paid if you don't show up or something, so you have to drag yourself up and turn on the side light cause it's so dim outside, and carry an umbrella and wear boots for the first time of the season. I did not sign onto this! I want to speak to my consulate! Not to mention, my knees are killing me and I even had to defer to the elliptical machine today rather than the track because I am falling apart at the joints.

So there are two ways to deal with this: ride the subway all melancholy-like and be super annoyed and depressed because you're supplementing it with songs like Radiohead (Exhibit A):

Orrrrr you can find more upbeat but still-gray-feeling complementary alternatives while your music is on shuffle as you're leaving the gym, walking back to your dreaded desk (Exhibit B):

I don't really advocate one over the other, I freely did both today. But I really hate days like this.

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