This girl is lucky to be getting anything from me considering that she A) Moved away from me to North Carolina, and B) Is currently on the shores of the faraway and exotic land of the 51st state of Puerto Rico while I am slaving away in a freezing office. STILL, it's her birthday today and I miss having her in NYC so much, she deserved a specialized announcement from me. She was my best girl in New York before she done went and turned into Miss Real Housewife of Raleigh. (This is like, the only picture we have together that I could find?? How is that possible?!)

And, sorry the terrorists ruined it, but I'll also have to take this September 11th to say that I'll never forget, and the World Trade Center tribute beams are on bright and strong, even seen here from Columbia way uptown.

Aaaaand...! I'm coming to Raleigh!! See you in two weeks Jayna!!
What a wonderful trip, Kristin. Beautiful! Remember???