If anyone was taking bets on if I'd get myself up and be productive, then I'm happy to report that those of you who had faith in me should cash in! Not only did I get to yoga last night, but I even went this morning too! Talk about aligning those chakras.
This is the exact studio I was in this morning |
I'm going to the studio I had a membership at when I first moved to New York, and I absolutely love it. It's in SoHo, which really is one of my favorite neighborhoods, it's on the second floor and so zen-like inside, and has long, wide, sweeping warehouse-type windows and freeeee tea! Last night I did my first iyengar session, which I really liked, got out around 9p, got ice cream and walked up to Prince Street in the summer night. SoHo in the summer is just like the movies, with the tiny cobblestone streets, warehouse stores and apartments, echoes of delivery trucks, smells of Chinese restaurants, honks of taxicabs, and the Chrysler Building looming far in the distance. This morning I got up, had coffee and was on the subway by 9a, just past the rush hour and still early to feel the morning. I took an easy, basic yoga class and stuck around to align my head chakra (I totally made that up, I don't even really understand them) with hot tea. When I left, it was warm and nice and I passed Chinatown and decided to do a little shopping (gotta get those knock-offs while I'm here!) and now I'm home, having lunch over Game of Thrones (this show has only mildly grown on me) and then moreeeee packing, and my roommates are taking me to dinner tonight.
Do you like how I do two recreational exercise classes and I feel credentialed to run a small third-world country? (Maybe second!) Me too. It's amazing what not sitting at a desk 9-5 will do to you!
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