Last night my roommates took me out to dinner. We went to a restaurant in the neighborhood (just two blocks over) called Romanian Garden. There are like 3 Romanian restaurants here (HOW does that happen?) and most of you probably don't know, but my best friend growing up (whom I am still very close with) is/was Romanian, and I grew up trying really hard to make myself understand Romanian (I did pick up a few phrases) and eating all that good Romo homecooking, so I was very intrigued to try the restaurant. I couldn't find any samales on the menu, a staple appetizer of shredded pork and cabbage, which was probably for the best since I always call them salamis on accident, but got stuffed peppers, and let me tell you, that minced meat and cream cheese IS Romania, so that place received a gold star for authenticity from me!
Also, something I LOVE about New York and will surely miss: the bodega cats! No one freaks out about animals, and all the small mom and pop stores and restaurants frequently have house animals around, and there was this pretty kitty hanging out, that actually followed our waitress around and sat with her when she sat to do some bookkeeping, I thought it was precious.
My packing is so close to being done I almost don't know what to do with myself. But there is still laundry, packing for the road trip, taking down wall hangings, assembling all the stuff together, blah blah blah and then have to scour this place clean before I leave! And a thunderstorm just started outside! Sounds loverly.
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