Kathleen and I have been so busy and crazy in our running arounds that I haven't had a spare second to update! The stormy snow that we were out in ended up laying anywhere from 14-19 inches of snow on the city overnight (statistics are varying) and inbetween snoozing my alarming clock that morning I received a text message from my boss informing us that we had an official snow day and didn't have to come in! What fun. Kathleen and I ventured down to Central Park, which took longer than we thought it would, because the snow was so thick and high just outside my apartment we couldn't drag ourselves away from playing in it!

If anyone's seen The Nightmare Before Christmas, this is me trying to be Jack Skellington when he runs into the pole in Christmas Town and falls backwards and poofs down into the snow... I didn't get quite the same experience, but it was fun trying!

Kitten playing in the snow

Making our way to the subway with some shoveled snow!
No words or pictures could justify how gorgeous Central Park was. Fresh, white powdery snow and everything as far as the eye could see was outlined in white, and with all the mazes of tree branches above, it was almost too much to take it.

A beautiful pathway actually shoveled down... but maybe by the weird skiiers that were wandering through?

Crossing crazydeep Sheep's Meadow in snow above our knees? Fun at first; painful in the end!

Kathleen is the new Chuck Norris

Definitely hard to believe I played volleyball here in the summer!

The Angel of the Waters hath become The Angel of the Snows

When the wind kicked up, the avalanches started coming down!
After emerging from Central Park, my feet were so frozen I wasn't even sure if I was walking or not, I couldn't feel anything. We went into the Apple store on 5th and 59th just outside the park and I took off my boots and socks and just defrosted my feet for awhile.

We walked down 5th Avenue and visited Tiffany's. The man who greeted us was so friendly! He reminded me of the toy store owner in Home Alone 2 who gives Kevin the Christmas ornaments. AND we met Tiffany... she was operating the elevators. Then got into a subway around Times Square for me to make my dentist appointment (blah). After that we got Starbucks, then a pastrami sandwich from Guru Deli by my work (mmmmmm) then bought junk food and came back to my place and napped before heading out for Caribbean food on the East Side and then karaoke with Betsy, Ronnie and Caroline. By the way, all the karaoke places in NYC are the private rooms ones. Fun!

I started us all off with Ke$ha. My bad!

Did I throw in Taylor Swift? Um... yes.

Can't remember what song she did, probably Hannah Montana or Jonas Brothers or something. You know how she loves those.

Why isn't she 21 yet??
On Friday it was one of the teachers' last days so we all went down to the Chinese place underneath us (Ginger House) and it was their last day in business so there were $4 drinks for like an hour, before they started just bringing free beer to all the tables! Needless to say, crazy night. After they went dry we tried to meet up with another teacher around Union Square and when that didn't work, Kittens and I went to watch The Law Firm comedy troupe at the Upright Citizens Brigade theatre. "No one's made Dale Carpenter pay for anything in... a week and a half".
Yesterday we slept in (sooooo good for Kiki!) and went to the Natural History Museum. Dinosaurs galore! We went in for the last hour for free.

After the museum we got street gyros sooooooo f'in good! Then Starbucks in the snow at Columbus Circle...

...then some shopping around Herald Square, then we went up to Times Square. It's so fun just to stand outside, or walk around in the streets there. Then Kathleen had to go to Toys R Us. Did you know that's the store I've spent the most time in in Times Square? Probably cause Kathleen always wants to go there?

...they do exist...

I wanted to bring this pengie home with me!
Sunday sleep in again today, and still 3 full days left in the city holler!