Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sleet. Is. Ewww.

I'm still not sure I understand all the nuances of weather out here. For instance, when the radio reports "frozen rain" ...wtf? I thought that was snow. Isn't that what The Magic School Bus's Inside The Water Cycle taught us all in third grade? But apparently it's not. Today is just miserable. And mother, so much for not "being out in the snow". Today it is grossly gray and leaky and miserable outside with sleet.

I crunched through snow this morning that was iced over because it was lightly raining outside. That is the worst! Snow is relatively dry, and white and pretty, but to be walking through the ice and having rain still come down on you is just blah! I tried to walk where there was traction on snow, but it was hard to gauge depth at the corners and curbs, and the closer to the subway stop I got, the more trodden the path was and therefore tracked down to slush and ice, and terrifying to walk through (the only real ramification is slipping or falling in front of other people and just feeling stupid). I like the snow! I do not like the sleet.

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