I got the idea because Jayna was signing up to do the AIDS Walk with the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) and I told her I'd be interested in walking too, so she sent me all the information. I was going through the lists of teams to find the HRC, and I thought, I don't even know anyone on it, and why don't we form our own? So, I talked to my boss and HR and got the go-ahead with it. At first I was a little nervous and tentative, wondering if I actually wanted to go through with being team leader, going to training and orientations, blah blah blah, but I decided to do it and now I'm really excited about it! I sent the mass email to the New York and Corporate at the end of the day on Friday and already have 2 people signed up with us.
To Register or Sponsor... we're team StudyGroup #0176

I'm looking forward to the leading the whole project!
Awesome! Thanks for doing it. I'll give you a small donation to support your efforts. Peace, maka