Saving the best for last! On Friday at work, I get a text from my girl Kierra telling me that her husband Bobby is flying into NYC for the weekend to run the Stephen Sillers Tunnel to Towers 9/11 Memorial Run. And thus did my dream of being surrounded by firefighters for a weekend begin. Here's the backstory:
I knew OF Bobby in high school, but it wasn't until I was in college, when Bobby and I were paired to co-lead a team of students to build houses in Mexico that I really got to know him. It was awesome! We had a grand time together and became very good friends. It was on the Mexico trip that he told me that he was going to propose to his then-girlfriend Kierra (also affectionately goes by Kiki) that summer. I met Kiki after Mexico, and the rest is history. The first thing I did when I was home from France was go to her and Bobby's wedding. I returned one day, slept all the next, and the third day went to San Clemente to watch them get married on the beach. She and I were bridesmaids together in our friend Alyssa's wedding:

...and it was at this event that I fainted on-stage and Bobby, the EMT and firefighter, came to my rescue. Nights of Rock Band, and plenty of trips to the Shout House in San Diego's Gaslamp has more than solidified my friendship with these two, who are not only independently great friends, but a perfect fit for each other, and a loved and respected couple.

Shout House!
So when Kiki texted me that Bobby was coming into town, I was stoked to see him and his firefighter brother Dave, who were both sponsored to represent their firehouse in the run.
After my Vendy's, I headed to meet Bobby and his firebrother Dave at the pre-run block party at Vesey and North End. It felt so patriotic, all these red white and blue decorations and outdoor barbecues, and firefighter gear and logo everywhere. We wandered around a bit and then decided we were due for some beers. A few midtown bars but we settled at the Pourhouse, coming out super late (no clue what time), but just in time for the boys to catch their ferry back to Jersey. I had the Statue of Liberty the next day, and though it wasn't supposed to be until late morning, and I was exhausted from the Vendy's and everything, I was absolutely determined to watch the boys run the next morning.
I was sad I had never heard of this run before! Stephen Sillers was an off-duty firefighter on 9/11 who watched the planes crash into the towers from Brooklyn and got his gear and into his car to drive to Manhattan. By the time he got to the Battery Tunnel, it had been closed, so he ran from the Battery Tunnel to the Twin Towers, where he died saving lives. This was the tenth year they have reenacted this heroic run, and it was so moving, and fabulous to come! After like, 3 hours of sleep I hauled myself up, took coffee to go, found my way to the race and planted myself at the finish line.

I was very entertained by the crowds and runners, but was thrilled to see Bobby come through!

And shortly after saw Dave coming through (firefighter in gear)

And I got his attention for his triumphant finish

Through my yelling and congratulations, Bobby, Dave and myself decided on a rendezvous station, where we all tried to make our way too. It was RIDICULOUSLY crowded with the after-run festivities and we all found each other not-even halfway there, it was too crowded with food and vendors and people and runners. The boys found some other firefighter friends they made, who had cases of Bud Lite, so just stood there and opened a cold one.
What a fun brotherhood they have going! Everyone was exchanging firehouse badges, shirts, nametags, etc. We were hanging out with some firemen from Germany and England who came to do the run... isn't that so nice?

Bobby and the German Boris exchanging their fire shirts

Bobby and Dave relaxing after their run with their Corona Firehouse flag they brought along

I loved the flags against the narrow openings between the skyscrapers, so I took this picture

They were all bonding and making friends together

As this was all going on, there was a parade, and performances, like Dennis Miller and then Gary Sinise's Lt Dan Band (haha!) Soooo fun!!

The evening ended at this firefighter bar called Suspenders which was poppin' and I now plan to spend the rest of my evenings as long as I live in New York City.

I tell you, I would rather have 1 firefighter than 10 policemen! But as long as I'm wishing for things, I'll wish for 10 firemen.

Of course for now, I was happy with my two hometown heroes :)