The Sisters at the Castle (first time I got to go inside since I was like 6!)

My favorite part of this picture isn't Kathleen or even myself! It's Peter Griffin behind us

The backstory to this picture is: I was telling grandma some dumb story and Heather just took this picture without warning. I say "What the hell was that?!" and she shows the picture to me and I say "Oh, great. I'll make that my facebook profile picture" and when she sent me the pictures she reminded me what I said. Well I consider myself a woman of my word, so I reactivated facebook and made it my facebook profile picture. Boom! Roasted.

And of course the picture where we got grandma to jump.

(Kathleen's ankles were weighing her down)
And as I always love to document music of the seasons I'm listening to, currently been stuck on LCD Soundsystem
Love is a curse shoved in a hearse
Love is an open book to a verse
Of your bad poetry
Never change, never change, never change...
This is why I fell in love
But I can change I can change I can change...
If it helps you fall in love
You're welcome!
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