The next morning I got ready in summer clothes like usual, ready for another herp derp day, when I stepped outside and realized that the air was still changed. It was that crisp cool remaining from the change the day before, and I appeared to be the only one without the memo that summer was gone, because everyone else had on their light jackets and scarves. And that was it. With that one quick ventilation, summer left and the coolness is here.
I will say: I. LOVE. FALL. It is by far my favorite season. I just love when the coolness kicks in and the feel of the holidays pervades the air, with leaves changing and winter clothes coming out and Starbucks HOLIDAY FLAVORS easing their ways onto the menu. But it's always a little bittersweet to watch summer go. The cold in the air is the kind of cold I still associate with Europe. It was the first time I ever really lived in a season like that, and I still have images of waiting for the morning tram to school with Katie, of stepping inside the patisseries with a warm relief to pick up an afternoon baguette, of meeting up at cafes with international friends, studying at my desk, listening to Damien Rice and watching the wind and cold air outside.
As routine and normal as New York City can sometimes be or feel or become, it's always in the cold that I remember I'm not home.

And Happy Birthday Topshelf!! A huge encourager and advocate of my going to study abroad, Top was my cousin's frat brother whom I became close with just before I left for France. Above is the first of many pictures we ever took together, at my cousins party. Top drove us to LA when I got my visa from the French consulate, we had sushi and going away parties together. Life has taken us criss-crossed across the globe. Topshelf (btw his real name is Patrick) has served and continues to serve the US Army, and has been deployed to the Middle East twice, and stationed in Hawaii. And through it all, we continue to keep in touch diligently, and I'm sure that one day after all these years we'll see each other again. (We haven't seen each other since August of 2006!!) A happy happy birthday to a hard-working, compassionate, brave, strong man and friend of immense integrity that I have always looked up to!
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