Since I quit Facebook last month I've been late on getting ahold of anyone's pictures, but I'm happy to end your waiting streak now with some sisterly shots of my quick weekend in California (and even then they're really just from like, one afternoon)
Afternoon / Evening swim at Newport Beach

Kathleen with that ridiculous Pokemon blanket, thank goodness you can barely see it here

Such a candid shot of my modeling my Target romper!

Right before I chopped all those inches off I had to deal with it all salty and seawatery... eek

Under 21? You don't say. I couldn't see those huge Z's on your hands. Probably because without the alcohol you would just Zzzzzzzz at that show...

Some random teenager told me I had been mad the whole time I was there. I hadn't been! But I did ask if that was a problem for him. He was still blubbering out some response when I walked past him... mad. Lololololol. This was a staged picture for kicks though.

Aaaaand sisters on the stairs of the Fox theatre. At what point will society learn that from the bottom looking up is never an appropriate angle for women?

Now what would really be from California with Love would be some nice In-n-Out or Del Taco or even Vanilla Coke! Hinteveryonehint!
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