Thursday, July 1, 2010

Moving Day. (Sucks).

What an awful, awful day to move. My coworker that adopted my rat told me that he died this morning. It's hot outside, I've got a raging headache, the number 1 train isn't running this morning, my new place is on the 4th floor of a walk-up only building and I'm doing it all by myself. I just don't have the energy for this anymore, and I've only taken 1 trip so far. How is it possible anyway, that I came with 2 suitcases and yet it's taking so many trips to pack up?? I really am going to miss the air conditioner around here, need to get a fan for my new place, but that's last on the list after actually getting moved in!

A few weeks ago I made plans with a friend for the 4th of July weekend to spend it at the cape. (I actually had to double check and make sure that yes, "the cape" is Cape Cod). So tomorrow right after work I'm taking the train up to Boston and meeting my friend who lives there and then we're driving to the cape for the weekend. I'm excited for it, but it also means today is really my only shot at moving. I hate to sound so melodramatic (Ronnie is going to love this) but I just feel like crying.

In some better news, here are some pictures of the place, pre- any moving in really

This is the hallway from my door

This is "the room"

This is exposed brick I'm so proud of!

Here is the kitchen area from the room

A whole great view, and through there you can see the tiny little bathroom!

Maybe I will be able to share more pictures once I'm settled and decorated, it'd be a before & after that I could sell to Home & Garden!

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