I totally get the attraction, and aside from the financial side, I wasn't at all against the idea of buying everything new once I got to NYC for the fact that it all would be brand new and uniform. Still, in my impoverished state I have been gladly welcoming any and all donations and gifts, and I am finding how much more I love it, and how it makes my place more like a home.
My two beautiful side lamps, given to me by Chrishon, will always remind me of her great style and generosity, and our fun weekend at the cape, when she betrothed them to me.
My sparse and mismashed cups, mugs, plates and pans will always point me to the great coworker I thought was just friendly but turned out to be truly warm hearted and giving, going out of his way on a weekend spent with his wife to drop by some essentials he thought I could use, and even invite me out for a walk with the both of them.
Whenever I cook breakfast with my sweet spatula I'll think of Jayna's rockin' style and radio personality (she dj's at a station in Connecticut on the weekends) and how thoughtful she's been through my whole time of transition!
When I slice my vegetables, I have my two small but great breakfast cutting boards with the maps of Paris and Berlin on them, given to me by one namely great German family who shared their Christmas with me during the best year of my life!
When I drink one of my dozens of cups of coffee a day, I have so many great memories and people in so many mugs: the dark brown one with light blue writings of "coffee" in tons of different languages, bought for me by Cherisse when I went out to North Carolina, after a fun-filled day of driving through the Blue Ridge Parkway and wreaking havoc and photo sessions like we always do... the "California" Starbucks mug given to me by two of the sweetest roommates I've ever had: Pam and Priya who saw me off to New York and gave me a reminder of the state I was leaving behind... the Starbucks "Phoenix" mug from our time at the Giants Spring training games, what a great group that was, tailgating in Phoenix at noon!

I love these gentle and subtle but warm reminders around my home. Even if I don't have the pictures up, these people are still all around me! I can't wait to accumulate more...
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