If you can't tell, that lump next to the penguin is Wolfie under the covers. He ended up staying there until I fell asleep. We fell asleep on the bed together, but on opposite sides since I didn't want to disturb him. When I woke up, he was in the bathtub behind the shower curtain.
All day I just wanted to come home and see him and spend time with him. Of course not only did I have volleyball today, but I was also on snack/drink duty, so I couldn't skip. (Side note: volleyball was awesome today. Beautiful warm, breezy weather, sunny, with some awesome band giving a free concert nearby that we could hear!)
I came home, Wolfie was in the tub again. I decided to feed him in there since I don't want to push his limits, and he needs to see that I am the one supplying the food!

You might make fun of me now, but when I start writing books on training cats or something and making my millions... you'll be humming a different tune!
I want some of the royalties!
ReplyDeletehmmm how about a dedication in the book?