Normally the company plans them on Thursdays but this was made Friday which was obviously nice since no one had to work the next day. I looked forward to it all week.
It really lived up to everything I was looking forward to. Usually the office manager gives us all 3 tickets that we cash in for drinks, but not only did they ration off more, but hardly any of the teachers were able to attend, so the one teacher who did come brought along the 40+ tickets for them and shared it with the student services staff. Let's just say that it really made for a wonderfully fun-filled night with all of the staff. Song of the night by far was BATTLEFIELD! I just lovelovelove my student services coworkers! And all my coworkes for that matter.

I woke up in the morning feeling just a little sluggish. I made it to an 11am yoga class, which felt wonderful since it's been a few weeks! I arranged to walk dogs for a friend of mine from the volleyball league while she's out of town. She rents a room from a couple in an apartment in a beautiful West Side location in the 70s with a posh entrance and a doorman. They are two little Pomeranian mixes and I leashed them up and took them out. It was a perfect day! Warm, clear and breezy. I took the dogs to Riverside park, which overlooks the Hudson.

It was perfect! I was in love with New York. After the walk I brought them back to the apartment and fed them and sat in the living room for awhile. The wooden floors and interior reminded me of my apartment in France. It also had beautiful wide windows letting in so much light and breeze with great rooftop views of NYC. I sat in there for awhile enjoying it, it felt so summery.
On the way back to my place I stopped for coffee at a cafe, and then came back to my place. I took a shower, which proved difficult to start since Wolfie still claims the bathtub as his own. I've decided to keep the bathroom door closed now and force him to be around me. It's the next stage in our relationship. He's currently laying on the windowsill behind the curtain. It's now time for some cleaning but it's been such a great relaxing Saturday, the epitome of summer.
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