First night became first summer became never. When I realized that this had never come to fruition, we said we would do it on May 4, Audrey's birthday. At 5pm yesterday, I realized the next day was May 4, and we had to commit if it would ever happen! Ronnie got annoyed, wondering why she couldn't have had dinner at Tiffany's, and saying he'd start following Marilyn Monroe since all she did was sleep and didn't get up early. But we persisted.
Well, the morning was MISERABLE. It was overcast when I left my place, and overcast when I got off on 5th Avenue, but by the time I got to the steps of Tiffany's to wait for Ronnie, it was pouring rain. We went to the atrium at the end of the block and picked up coffee and almond croissants / pain au chocolat (no danishes! sadface) and went back on the steps of Tiffany's to eat. It ended up being fun in the rain!

This is Ronnie's reaction to the rain

This is my window-shopping-Breakfast-at-Tiffany's moment. They vault up all the entrances, so there's like, these 2 window displays available. Lulz.

Ronnie's rebellion to the rain

New York City is still just our playground.
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