The news is all about Osama bin Laden and interestingly enough, I heard about it first from the Facebook newsfeed, and then had to direct myself to CNN and New York Times pages. It does feel like a relief, viewing him as a terrorist, and knowing that no one adhered to him except a highly select and minimal group of radical followers. The most disconcerting thing though, are these barbaric reactions. People climbing on lampposts and spraying champagne, and people screaming "USA!" in the mobs everywhere they were. That just seems... unnecessary. Did we do it, virtually alone? Yes, I guess so. But I thought we did it for the benefit of the world to wipe out terrorism, not to scream and chant our name down the throats of the world. It's just so... utterly gross how prideful we are. Why does his death incite chants of "USA" ? Pride goes before a fall. In the Book of Revelations, regarding the end times, the United States, and the Americas, are never mentioned once. It could be that we will be basically dissolved into nothingness by the time this rolls out. No civilization lasts forever. Just ask the Romans.
This makes me realize why i loved the Royal Wedding so much! It's obliterated out of the news now, but it was cute and aesthetic and fun to follow. I know bin Laden's death is ultimately good news too, but it's got that darkened twist.
Did you know that Times Square broadcasted the Royal Wedding live?! If so, shame on you, because I would have loved to know that and gone there personally!

Buuuuuuuuut I missed it. Oh wellsies! Even London had it set up, and I thought all those Brits had a radar on their forehead which projected it two feet in front of them, lulz.

What's next on the news? Maybe the fact that I need to wash dishes tonight?? Just kidding... i'm selling the movie rights to that, so it will be under wraps until we find the right director
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