My mother conquered her fears and flew across the Atlantic for this.

And Aunt Patricia who has really been like a mother to me
Last night I went to a free ballet performance of the Joffrey company at Columbia University. It was great, I love going to ballets more than most performances. On the way home, I was walking by a hair salon. A young boy, maybe like 10 years old, was leading his mother out of the salon, who clearly worked there, she still had a round brush and hair scissors in her hand. He had made her cover her eyes, and he was pulling her outside, where I saw a large bouquet of flowers waiting against his bike that he had propped against the brick wall. He was leading her and directing her in Spanish, so literally I couldn't understand what was being said, but I could tell understand what was happening. I slowed my walk but kept glancing back to watch the little boy's excitement with each step, and then when he finally let his mother open her eyes to see the flowers, her big huge smile and excitement, and her arms swinging wide open and them hugging each other. It was so sweet to watch, and I liked it more that I couldn't understand their words because a lot of things don't need them.
Awww, thanks! And, no offense taken. Such is life :)