When I was out of New York enough I exited in a town called Westport to locate a Starbucks (thanks, Starbucks iPhone app!) Here was their very patriotic bridge

This was a beautiful view from the Starbucks

I overshot Yale by a little and ended up in East Haven, but decided to drive around their shoreline area. The neighborhoods and houses with the slatted boards were so adorable, and here's the Atlantic from the public beach

And a beautiful lighthouse I saw. I just sat and looked at the view here, I would've stayed longer but got cut off by the rain

Yale was having some commencements so it was pretty busy, but I was still able to go around. The campus was so beautiful, and the streets around were so lively! I could only imagine the atmosphere on a nice day

Look at these residence halls! They're like castles! Of course, they don't have a view of the ocean like good ol' San Nic at UCSB!

This is called my awkward timer picture where I set it up but then people were walking by so I looked away like I was looking at something, and not posing alone for a picture lolololololol

I drove home leisurely through Connecticut and Westchester, New York, exploring the rivers and neighborhoods on my way home, and got in around 10pm. I was sad to drop the car off, but it feels good to be home. It felt nice to have the escape from the city with me, my music and my thoughts.
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