The plan was meet up at Times Square around 7:00, get dinner, and catch the movie at the cinemas on 42nd St. Ronnie had last minute meetings and was late, which left me puttering around Times Square for an hour, reading my book on the red steps, and entertaining myself with Instagram photos on my phone.

When Ronnie arrived we made our way through the mass crowds of tourists that have swelled since the winter, to a cheap Cuban restaurant I had looked up earlier, just to find it closed. That left us zigzagging around the streets until we wandered into Pearl, a small Chinese restaurant on 7th Ave, after which we had to rush to the cinemas, to find two movie theatres across the street from each other, going to the wrong one, then finding the right one sold out. We decided to get a 9:40 showing near Lincoln Center, so took the subway up. When we got there, we found THAT showing was sold out too, and the next (and last) was at 12:20am. We felt that our fate, like Cannoli Island, was always to have our plans pathetically ruined, so we argued and bickered and decided we wouldn't let fate win, and bought tickets to the 12:20am showing, wondering what we would do for the next three hours.
First stop: Caffeine intake at Starbucks. We tried to wander around stores, but they were starting to close. We wandered over to Lincoln Center where the New York City Opera was at intermission. Isn't it such a beautiful picture?

We were bored and starting to fall asleep, with still TWO HOURS until the show started. We were admitting how sleepy we were and then decided it was better to get a refund now and just go home than wait another 2 hours and then fall asleep in the movie. It was so pathetic we were laughing the whole way to the theatre. After we got a refund, we were feeling so dejected over how fate had won again that we went back to the ticket kiosk to at least see if there was anything else we could see so we weren't just going home on a Friday night like losers. Ronnie actually talked me into PROM, that ridiculous middle-school type Disney movie about a bunch of kids getting ready for Prom. I don't know how I ended up giving in.
Inside, we were laughing hysterically and talking so much trash on the movie, than the crazy woman in front of us kept turning around with dirty stares and I swear she was going to tell us to shut up before we got up and moved to the very back of the theatre so we could continue. By the time it was over, it was 12:20, and we were on such a high that we went and bought tickets again to see Something Borrowed for that 12:20 showing. We also laughed and talked throughout that whole thing, but in the end we were SO HAPPY we more than defeated fate and turn a movie refund and 10p bedtime into a 3a double feature!
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