Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stop Me (If You Think You've Heard This One Before)

I have two things on my mind lately: 1. That F*%*^$(&(@#(*&$ Half Marathon, and 2. Rock Band. I would like to humble myself and profusely apologize to Staten Island and her Half Marathon, because it is becoming more apparent that I grossly underestimated the severity and necessity of real training for this. (Read: Following schedules and not jump the gun or over-train, icing and and resting, and having appropriate shoes and equipment, etc.) I am legitimately worried about this thing due to my current runners-knee knee injuries.

This is me when I think about the marathon:

And this is the Staten Island Half Marathon when she thinks about me: Photobucket

The bottom line is that I will go, and I will walk or run or doggie paddle as far as I can go, but I just can't promise that I'm not going to hail a taxi cab at some point with my joints in the shape that they are. The good news is that I think I can console myself to the point of saying that whatever I can run this one, I will shave off the next one (if applicable). For instance: If I have to cop out at 8 miles, I will sign up for another half and run 5.1 miles before calling it quits and laughing in the faces of the rest of the runners. I hope it doesn't come to that, but never say never.

Secondly, I love my new home. I often think about what a great apartment, living space, bedroom (with my own bathroom!) and roommates that I have. It's almost inconceivable. And then you go and throw Rock Band into that mix and I'm all like:

On Tuesday I finally went out with one of my roommates' to his trivia league at a pretty decent bar in Astoria called Raven's Head Pub. Super fun! Met some new people and we even all collected a decent 2nd place, whose winnings entailed a round of beers, which I didn't exactly need at that point but I worked for that prize! Afterwards, roommate and I walked back to the apartment and we were still pretty hyped up so we decided to play Rock Band. Unfortunately the other roomie had work, but fortunately our living room has a door so we plugged in and turned it up and he played guitar and I sang until almost 1am! And we were KILLING it, I was getting 100%'s left and right, even on EXPERT level.

I know, I KNOW, I should be launching my singing career already. What am I waiting for? SOON, young padawans. It's so great to love where I live and have cool roommates and friends. Guess it had just been a little while. Oh, and was pleasantly surprised that The Smiths are on Rock Band 3. What genius do they have on staff who added that? It's Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before which seemed like a random choice but on second singing thought, it's super catchy and fun! Naturally I slayed it, and couldn't stop listening to it today.

I was detained, I was restrained. I broke my spleen, and broke my knee, and then he really laced into me! Friday night in out-patients... who said I'd lied to her? Oh who said I lied? Because I never, I never! Stop me, oh, stop me. Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before. Nothing's changed, I still love you, oh I still love you... only slightly (only slightly!) less than I used to.

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