Thursday, December 20, 2012

All of the Lights

What a day yesterday. It was the last week of reading with my girl at the elementary school until after Christmas, and being there made me think about Sandy Hook and what was stopping anyone or anything from coming to this school? So tragic. I'm thankful that at least out of that the gun control is FINALLY taking a stage. Anyway, since it was the last week, the program gave us pretzels, chocolate, word searches, and CAPRI SUNS. I'm not kidding. I spent my lunch hour yesterday doing a wordsearch over a CapriSun with a sneaky little girl who kept saying she found a word but was "waiting for me to find it." Mmhmmmm...! In second grade, my best friend Alice taught me how to hold a CapriSun from the bottom and punch the straw easily into the blisterfoil with the other end in your mouth so you didn't lose ANY of it, and this is exactly how I opened it yesterday as well.

After my day, I walked off my stress headache around Columbus Circle's Christmas Market. It's deceitfully bigger than it appears, but also really cute and lively, and I was able to finish up my Christmas shopping (which for some reason has been impossible this year!) After that I decided to walk to my subway by way of Fifth Avenue to look at the window displays!! It's one of the most festive parts of New York City during the holidays and somehow I couldn't recruit anyone I knew to go look at them with me this year! Talk about the War on Christmas! Below are some highlights

The Peninsula Hotel

I forgot, but some nice corner building

It's a bad quality picture, but wrapping around Bulgari is a lighted, bejeweled snake. A SNAKE. Whaaaa? I really would like to meet the person that thought of this. And then the person who brought it up in the staff meeting. The executive who approved it, and then all the construction workers who were rolling their eyes to high heaven as they installed it. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

A window display at Tiffany's. There's are always cuter because the windows are so small so they have to be miniatures instead of anything life-sized

Another window display at Tiffany's. See all the presents under the tree?

Can you guess what everyone was crowding around to take pictures of?

Yep, Rockefeller Plaza!

One of the angels on the mall in front of Rockefeller

Some building wrapped up with a bedazzled red ribbon

Oh man, getting so close to "Christmas break" I can feel it. But I want to be there nowwwww! Who wants to pack, and go to the airport, and sit on the plane and blah blah blah?! And I had a dream last night that I had left all the Christmas presents in New York. Just gotta finish work, diving tonight, then a half day tomorrow, lunchies with lots of co-workers, then I'm technically freeeeeeeee!

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