Monday, December 3, 2012

September to December

On September 1, 2012, I went to visit Chrishon in Boston for a quick getaway. On December 1, 2012, Chrishon came to visit me in New York for a quick getaway. And both were phenomenally fun!

On Saturday, Chris came into town while I was still in pajamas and eating ice cream and coffee (the perks of living on your own I suppose) so after I took my sweet time getting ready, we hit the streets and walked to Long Island City where we debated the time parameters of brunch, and ended up in what I think was a Belgian bar, called Dominie's Hoek really quirky and cute and fun with a patio (not like anyone was on it in that cold) and lots of board games, and we got lunch and beers (cans of PBR and Lions Head, classy!) and stayed awhile before we wandered back, getting ice cream and then enjoying the warmth of my apartment from the cold. Pretty Woman was on and we took a power nap in my living room only to awake to A League of their Own. Do you know how hard it was to tear ourselves away from the television while this is on? And good thing we could because we ended up having quite a night.

I don't know why, but it seemed to call for an '80s night, so we went into Midtown East to a favorite 80s bar I would go to with Betsy called Joshua Tree... and we closed the place down.

On the walk from Grand Central Station, Chris didn't have her camera and she insisted I take a picture of these.

The music was soooo good, and even though it was more the pop and new wave 80s, they put on Bruce Springsteen and I was soooo excited... but when I saw that no one else seemed to even know what was going on (oh but sure, put on Madonna and everyone's an 80s fan) so I started yelling at everyone that they should be ashamed of themselves... and that was about the time the Dutch boys came over and made friends with us. We spent the rest of the night with two guys from the Netherlands who were so nice and so fun! Like 7 beers and 3 Duran Duran songs later, we saw the lights go up and left that joint at 4am. It felt like midnight! The wonders of a power nap, I tell you. The Dutch guys lived like 2 train stops away from me so we even all took the train home together, and I don't even know what time it was that we crashed, but there was a sun a-risin'.

After not enough sleep at all, we took to the streets and into a cafe where I got completely jittery on the coffee waiting for food and then gouging my face with a full Irish breakfast. We went to the poppin' Austin Street in Forest Hills for Starbucks, shopping, shopping, shopping, and saw Lincoln (I LOVE DANIEL DAY-LEWIS) before dinner at a (legit!) Mexican restaurant and then ice cream.

The weekend went by so fast and was such a whirlwind, it was refreshing to have the company and the fun. I'm looking forward to some ultra-Christmasey events in New York this week.

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