Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tramp Workout

So last night I partook in an acrobatics session of diving training at the Chelsea Piers gym with a small group of the team under the Greek coach's instruction. It. Was. AWESOME WITH A CAPITAL A.

It didn't start til 7:30 and I'm off work at 5, so what was I supposed to do with that time? If you're going to say I should stop in for a beer, then I got that answer correct. I wasn't sure if alcohol and trampolines would mix, but I figured it couldn't hurt to be a little more relaxed. Plus it was cold and snowing and I had to get to the piers on the Hudson River so I could also stand to be a little warmer.

The small group of us warmed up before moving into the gym and wow. I felt right at home. Uneven bars, balance beams, floor space, trampolines and MATS MATS MATS MATS everywhere. It was hard to even pay attention with so much going on in that space.

Still, trampoline is a really underrated workout! I was definitely feeling it within the first 10 minutes, but it was fun. Especially when we are doing diving approaches and then get to flip straight into that big pile of cube cushions.

We did workouts with the belt that is pulleyed on the ceiling to work on high jump back flips off the trampoline. I really bonded with the coach too, and he was loving my back tucks and I was just going to town. All in all, it was superfun. I have to say, that I am really enjoying how my lifestyle has changed in the past few years. I was doing absolutely nothing other than going to work and going home, wouldn't even take the stairs, and a 12 minute Zumba workout was my max for the day. Now I am running 2-3 miles a weekday on my lunch breaks, diving consistently and now working on back flips and pikes and TRAMP WORKOUTS. Who would have ever thought?! But I am sad I don't live in a world where I don't have to worry about bills and money and can just be active all day and do ballet and diving and playing in the gymnastics gym :(

As me and the one other girl diver were changing, she was saying that they used to have a lot more tramp workouts. That's what she said, she actually said "tramp workouts" and that's when I thought yes, that is definitely how I will be referring to this.

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