Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Elevator Man!

I picked up my second cat last weekend, and Crazy Cat Lady #1 asked if I wouldn't mind coming over to her apartment so I could pick out the kitty myself from the litter, she said that she wanted me to have first pick.

She was located on the East Side, so I had to take a cab, and her address was even on Park Avenue. She told me there was no doorman, but an elevator man. I had no idea what that meant... but I soon found out.

I walked in the lobby and the strapping elevator man approached me. I had no idea what to do and I wasn't sure which was worse... pretend I knew what I was doing and possibly screw it up, or just admit defeat and ask him?? So I just told him who I was here to see and asked which floor it was as I just kept walking into the elevator. He followed me. And you know what that elevator man did? He had to actually close the gate and crank us up to the 11th floor!! Unbelievable!

The apartment was of course, unbelievably gorgeous and HUGE and just wonderful. Each floor was a little foyer with two doors off of it for two apartments on either end. And then when we wanted to leave, we had to ring a buzzer and the man had to crank it up to us to take it down. It's weird because I tend to shun technology, but this just seemed so primitive!

I was certainly humbled coming back to my studio after my stint on Park Avenue with... THE ELEVATOR MAN (dun dun dun)


  1. No pictures of kitty?

  2. Yeah! Where is the kitty? What's it's name?

  3. awww i will post pictures soon, haven't taken many yet. it's eyes kinda make it look like it has downsyndrome, but otherwise it's cute and blends in to my comforter!
